Frequently Asked Questions - Bond Control

Revised on 12-17-2024

How do I obtain additional information or contact the City?

BOE has an on-line Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) that allows members of the public to request additional information about processes and procedures as well as discuss permit related issues with BOE staff.  Instructions on how to use the CSR Portal can be found in this manual under Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal.

How do I apply for a bond?

Applicants who wish to apply for a bond will be required to submit a Customer Service Request (CSR) to the Bond Control group in the Permit Case Management (PCM) Division. Once the request has been submitted the Applicant will receive an Application for Bond Preparation and further instructions to begin processing their request.

How do I get my bond released?

In order for a bond to be released, the District Office that  issued the associated permit must provide written authorization to Bond Control staff directing release of the bond.  This authorization is typically provided upon either completion and acceptance of the work or cancellation of the permit. Once the authorization is obtained, an Exoneration letter releasing liability will be prepared and distributed to the applicant, Surety company or City Accounting Office in the case of a Cash Bond.

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