01 - Bond Control Processing

Revised on 01-09-2025

Overview of Bond Preparation

Below are the main steps in a surety bond preparation for a project. Please note that cash bonds have a similar process.

  1. Customer submits a Customer Service Request (CSR). Include a completed Application for Bond Preparation form and relevant documentation. Instructions are provided in the next section.
  2. Bond Control staff creates a new record in the Bond Tracking System (BTS), prepares bond documents and invoices Customer for the applicable bond processing fee.
  3. Customer pays bond processing fee and uploads proof of payment, executed bond documents, and any applicable documentation to verify the signature authority of the principal signatory.
  4. Bond Control staff reviews the executed bond documents along with the applicable documentation and updates the BTS.
  5. When directed by Bond Control staff, the Customer submits original bond documents to the Bond Control office.
  6. Bond Control staff sends bond documents to the City Administrative Officer (CAO).
  7. CAO staff reviews and approves bond.
  8. Once CAO approves the bond documents, Bond Control staff notifies the Customer and updates the BTS.
BOE Bond Preparation Process Graphic

Customer initiation of a CSR

  1. Applicant proceeds to  Customer Portal and log in (an Angeleno accounts is required) 
  2. Click on "Continue" on the "Online Bond Processing" box (located under "Additional Services")
  3. Click on "New Request"
  4. Fill in the following fields:
    1. Customer (may be auto filled)
    2. Email (may be auto filled)
    3. Select Agency: Bureau of Engineering (BOE)
    4. My Request Relates to (Service): Bond Control
    5. Send My Request to (Office/Location): Permit Case Management (PCM)
    6. My Question is:
      1. Place your correspondence here on what you are seeking to do. Examples of correspondences may be:
        1. Please process new bond application
        2. Please process bond rider
        3. Any general bond questions.
    7. To Which of the Following Executive Directives Is This Project Related?: Select if applicable
    8. Reference Number: Input the reference number for the associated BOE permit application or existing bond, if applicable
    9. Permit Number: Input the permit number for the associated permit, if applicable
    10. Property/Job Address
    11. Property/Job Zip
  5. Select "Submit"
  6. Select "Choose Files" and select the appropriate attachments which should include the Application for Bond Preparation form.
  7. Select "Upload Files"
  8. Applicant will receive an email from the CSR portal confirming the creation of the record as well as when BOE Staff leave a message in their CSR request.


Bond tracking system (BTS) data entry

Bond Control staff shall refer to the following technical procedures for BTS processing.

  1. 02 - Subdivision (Tract/Parcel Map)
  2. 03 - General Improvement/Planning Case No.
  3. 04 - Import/Export
  4. 05 - Excavation
  5. 06- Protected Tree Bond