A Protected Tree Bond is required from a property owner to plant replacement or relocate trees and assure their continous living existince at the approved replacement or relocation site. The following are the roles of the applicable bureau’s/departments.
- BOE – Bond administration including processing, releasing, or defaulting the cash or surety bond
- BSS (UFD) – Collects fees, enforces the conditions, and determines when the bond can be released.
Governing Code(s)
- LAMC 62.176 - Street Maintenance Fee
- LAMC 62.177 - Establishment of Tree Replacement and Planting In-Lieu Fee.
Processing Procedures
To start the procees the applicant to complete the Tree Removal Permit application.
Once the applciation has been processed by Urban Forestry Division (UFD), a Tree Bond estimate will be provided to the applicant and another copy will be forwarded to Bond Control via e-mail.
Bond Control staff will proceed with assisting the applicant in processing the Protected Tree bond.