09 - Street Furniture

Revised on 01-09-2020

Image of speech being made at podium on streetThis is a different permit application than all other A-Permits.  The application is called Street Furniture Permit and is only available to the authorized Contractor.

Street Furniture (bus shelters, automated public facilities, and kiosks ) Permits are issued to ONLY one pre-selected contractor (Outfront JC Decaux, LLC) after they have had their plans reviewed by:

  • Bureau of Street Services
  • Department of Transportation
  • Bureau of Street Lighting
  • Department of Water and Power

Information about the Outfront JC Decaux, LLC contract can be found in Council Files 98-1241 and 00-1073 and Contract No. C-102477.  This is a 20-year contract that started on December 21, 2001. 

Vetting Process

The following is the BOE vetting process that will take place once a completed application is received.  Instructions on how to complete the on-line A-Permit application can be found in this manual under Construction "A" Permits,  Technical Procedures, 01 - Permit Processing Procedures for Construction A-Permits.

  1. Outfront JC Decaux, LLC will provide the following to the staff responsible for issuing Street Furniture permits:
    • One page site plan/schematic of the proposed site
    • Approval to process the permit from the Bureau of Street Services comes via email.  The Bureau of Street Services may send a scanned copy of the approval and site plan/schematics.
      • Upload the plan/schematic into the Street Furniture permit application
      • Create a folder (using the naming convention of Street Name_Furniture ID#) in the appropriate file location on the file server.
      • Save the files to appropriate file location on the file server