4 - Standard Fees for Maintenance Hole Permits

Revised on 07-12-2023


Dollar sign graphicPer LAMC 62.41,  BOE shall charge the following fees in addition to the applicable surcharge fees allowed for the issuance of BOE permits.

  • $139 - For each permit issued pursuant to the provisions of LAMC 62.40.A.a - No person shall open, or allow to remain open, the cover of any maintenance hole in or upon any street, sidewalk or other right-of-way without having first obtained a written permit from the Bureau of Engineering, except as in LAMC 62.40(b).
  • $273 - For each permit issued pursuant to the provisions of LAMC 62.40.A.b - The Bureau of Engineering may upon a written request from a person owning or controlling any underground pipe or wire system, issue an annual permit for a person with control over the pipe or wire system to open appurtenant maintenance holes, and may issue to a sewer contractor upon a written request an annual permit to open sewer or storm drain maintenance holes for the purpose of determining the depth of sewer or storm drains.  Any person who opens the cover of a maintenance hole pursuant to the authority granted by such an annual permit shall not have to comply with the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section.
  • $1.85/card - Each certified copy of a permit (card) issued pursuant to the provisions of LAMC 62.40.B

Standard Fees, at a minimum, are reviewed on an annual basis.   The most current version of the City’s Standard Fee List is located at the BOE website under Permits (https://engineering.lacity.gov/permits).