05-Hillside Referral Form Preparation

Revised on 06-12-2024

The following procedures shall be used to complete a Hillside Referral Form or to determine if a property is subject to the Hillside Ordinance, LAMC 12.21.A.17 - One-Family Dwellings, Accessory Buildings and Additions - Hillside Regulations.  In general, the only time this process takes place is when a Customer has also applied for a Building Permit with LADBS.  If an Applicant is subdividing the property only (only a Map) and there is also a building permit in connection with the Map, the Applicant may still be responsible for constructing necessary improvements and therefore subject to the Hillside Referral form process.  However, if an Applicant is only subdividing the property (only a Map), they are not subject to the Hillside Referral Form process.

Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter.  This includes requesting the preparation of a hillside referral form.

Research to Determine Applicability

  1. Go to NavigateLA to verify the following:
    1. Search for the property address
    2. Select "Hillside Referral Report (BAS)" under the Available Parcel Reports to review the Hillside Referral Form.  If there is no hyperlink to "Hillside Referral Report (BAS)", the property is not subject to the Hillside Ordinance
      1. If there is an icon of a PDF file followed by "Information Available", the form has been completed.  
        1. Click on icon, “Select Print Report” and print the referral form for the Customer
      2. If there is no icon, a Hillside Referral Form would need to be processed (see Referral Form Preparation) 
    3. Verify the parcel is located within an A1, A2, RA, RE, RS, R1 or RD zone (all others are not subject to the Hillside Ordinance, even if located within a  hillside area
      1. To verify the zone, click on the parcel and then Click on “Parcel Profile Report (BAS)” and review the "Zone(s)" information in the "Basic Zoning Information for Parcel" grid

Referral Form Preparation

  1. Open NavigateLA and locate the property in question (turn on different layers in order to see the different widths)
    1. R/W Width:  Under Maps and Indices, check Cadastral Map Index (this is the most accurate way to determine R/W width)
    2. Roadway Width:  Under Maps and Indices, check Engineering Vault Plans and Profiles (this is the most accurate way to determine road width)
      1. Select the most current plan  by clicking the "P" or "UNL" box that is adjacent and/or closest to the subject property (some locations have more than one plan set).  BOE staff can also review other plans associated with property, but not all plans will show the roadway width. 
        1. Go through the sheets and locate the subject property to determine the roadway width, curb face to curb face
    3. Continuous Paved Roadway (CPR) Width:   Under "Special Area" click "Hillside Ordinance" and under Maps and Indices, check Engineering Vault Plans and Profiles (this is the most accurate way to determine CPR width)
      1. Select the  for the street improvement plans which are marked as "P" or "UNL" (some locations may have more than one plan set).  BOE staff can also review other plans associated with property, but not all plans will show the roadway width. 
        1. Go through the sheets and locate the subject property to determine the roadway width, curb face to curb face
    4. Sewer Connection:  Determine if available sewer is within 200 feet of the property.  Check "Sewer Information" to show all mapped sewers
      1. Confirm there is a sewer (green line in center of street) within 200' of the property frontage.  BOE staff may need to measure the distance by Clicking on "Tools" then "Measure Distance".  Measure the distance from the closest frontage sewer to the closest edge of the property line, making sure to follow the public right of way.
  2. Within the "Hillside Referral Report (BAS)" window, click "Not Edited" , a new window will appear
  3. BOE staff to login, and a fillable Hillside Referral Form will appear
    1. Public Works Section
      1. Street Name (1):  Enter the frontage street
        1. R/W width:  Enter the R/W width obtained from Step 1.A above
        2. Road width:  Enter the R/W width obtained from Step 1.B above
        3. Plan Index:  Enter the plan number ("P" or "UNL") that was used when determining the roadway width
      2. Street Name (2):  Enter the adjacent street name
        1. R/W width:  Enter the R/W width obtained from Step 1.A above
        2. Road width:  Enter the R/W width obtained from Step 1.B above
        3. Plan Index:  Enter the plan number ("P" or "UNL") that was used when determining the roadway width
      3. Street Name (3):  Enter the adjacent street name (if applicable)
        1. R/W width:  Enter the R/W width obtained from Step 1.A above
        2. Road width:  Enter the R/W width obtained from Step 1.B above
        3. Plan Index:  Enter the plan number ("P" or "UNL") that was used when determining the roadway width
      4. Check one of the following boxes (Compare R/W and roadway width adjacent to the subject lot to Standard Hillside Limited dimensions. (R/W=36-ft, RDWY= 28-ft):
        1. Lot fronts on a standard hillside limited street 
        2. Lot fronts on a substandard hillside limited street
      5. Dedication Required?  Check yes or no and enter the width of the dedication that will be required.  See the Dedication Processing Procedures in this manual to determine if Highway Dedication is required.  If half R/W is less than 18 feet, then the difference will be the required dedication
    2. Vehicular Access Section
      1. Is the Continuous Paved Roadway (CPR) at least 28 feet wide from the driveway apron of the subject lot to the boundary of the Hillside Area?:  Based on the information obtained in 1.C of the "Public Works" section above, click Yes or No.  
      2. Do any of the streets listed in the Street designations section have a roadway width less than 20 feet adjacent to the lot(s)?:   Based on the information obtained in the "Public Works" section above, click Yes or No.  If BOE selects "Yes", they should let the Applicant know they are responsible for obtaining the ZAD or widen the roadway.  If the applicant is required to widen they will be required to obtain a "B" Permit for the work
      3. CPR is at least 20 feet wide from the driveway apron of the subject lot tot he boundary of the Hillside Area:  Based on the information obtained in 1.C of the "Public Works" section above, click Yes or No.  The boundary may be either:
        1. A collector, secondary, or major street that is 28 feet wide, or
        2. The actual boundary of the hillside ordinance as described by the LADBS.

The process of providing an Applicant with a Clearance on their Clearance Summary worksheet is discussed in more detail under the Building & Safety Clearances, Technical Procedures, Clearance Summary Worksheet Clearances, BHO/Hillside Clearances section of this manual).

Reductions to Hillside Dedication Requirements

Customers who wish to request a reduction to dedication requirements in the Hillside area can review the requirements in the Building and Safety Clearances, 09-BHO/Hillisde Ordinance (Street(s) along Lot Frontage(s) Minimum 20' Wide)

Exceptions to the Hillside Ordinance

LADBS or BOE may determine the property is exempt from the Hillside Ordinance if (all must apply):

  1. LADBS
    1. Cumulative addition less than 750 SF 
    2. Height of proposed addition does not exceed height of existing building
    3. Provide 2 off-street parking spaces
  2. BOE
    1. CPR is at least 28 feet (only pertains to zones covered under LAMC 12.21.A and not zones that are typically R zoned)