4 - Standard Fees for Revocable “R” Permits

Revised on 07-12-2023


Dollar sign graphicPer LAMC 62.118.2 - Improvements in Public Streets - Issuance of Revocable Permits, BOE shall charge and collect a fee to issue a Revocable Permit, which may also include conducting an investigation to determine whether to issue a permit.  Revocable Permit fall into one of the following categories:

  • Tier 1 - No field investigation is required
  • Tier 2 - Field investigation is required
  • Tier 3 –BOE is required to prepare a report of its investigation for consideration by the Board, the applicant shall be charged actual costs.  A minimum deposit amount will be collected pursuant to the provisions of LAMC 61.15

If an applicant paid a Tier 1 fee and the Bureau of Engineering determines that it will be required to conduct a field investigation, the Bureau shall charge and collect from the applicant a fee of the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 in addition to the $556 already paid.

Standard Fees, at a minimum, are reviewed on an annual basis.   The most current version of the City’s Standard Fee List is located at the BOE website under Permits (https://engineering.lacity.gov/permits).  


A change in ownership shall require a new sidewalk dining permit.

A Tier 1 Revocable Permit Fee shall be required if no changes are proposed to the layout of the existing dining area. A new Waiver of Damages and Proof of Liability Insurance (per the "Liability Insurance Requirements") will be required to be signed and notarized.

If the applicant is proposing changes to the layout of the existing area, the following fees would apply:

  • Tier 2 Revocable Permit Fee.
  • Tier 3 Revocable Permit Fee for the cases where Board approval is required to deviate from the sidewalk policy or there is a request to appeal a BOE decision to the Board.




If special testing is required to investigate an R-Permit Application (Tier 2 or Tier 3), a fee may be charged and shall be paid under the Special Deposit Excavation Permit (construction/installation) at the current hourly rate.


Hard hat graphicTypically, construction/installation related to an R-Permit is minor street construction and can be permitted and inspected under an A-Permit (LAMC 62.109).





Revocable permit fees can only be waived if there is an approved documented program or a authorized by the City Council or Board of Public Work.  Information about Fee Waivers, if available, can be found in the various R-Permit Technical Procedures documents.