2 - General Conditions and Requirements - S Permits

Revised on 02-10-2022

checklist graphicBy accepting an S-Permit, the Applicant agrees to:

  1. Follow all rules, regulations, special conditions, and code requirements
  2. Assure that their employees, contractors, and subcontractors comply with all rules, regulations, permit conditions, and code requirements
  3. Indemnify the City





House Connection Sewer

Each lot must have a separate sewer connection. If a property is split and there are separate buildings on each lot, then each building must have its own separate connection.  House sewer connections are designed per BOE Standard Plan S-110-1 and S-111-0

Connections shall be minimum of four (4) feet underground at the property line and have a 2% minimum slope.

Shared House Connection Sewer

LAMC 64.11.1 states that not more than one lot shall be connected to any one house connection sewer except for the following exceptions:

  • Exception 1: In a case where a single house connection has previously served multiple structures on an individual lot or parcel and that lot or parcel has been split, the use of the original house connection sewer may be allowed, at the discretion of the City Engineer, for more than one lot if all the following conditions are ALL adhered to:
  1. There are four or less sewered structures involved.
  2. The structure on the split lot now in question can’t be sewered on the street fronting this split portion of the original lot or parcel by connecting to an existing available sewer.
  3. There is not space available or cooperation from the downstream property owner(s) to place another house connection in an easement on the other portions of the original lot or parcel.
  4. The existing house connection sewer has been inspected by closed circuit television (CCTV).
  5. All property owners using this shared house connection sewer must sign and record with the LA County Recorder a Shared House Connection Sewer Agreement that all properties using this shared house connection sewer are mutually responsible for its maintenance and repair.
  • Exception 2: In the case of a Small Lot Subdivision (defined in LAMC 12.03, 12.09, 12.12.1, 12.21 and 12.22) an individual house connection sewer can serve more than one lot subject to the following conditions:
  1. The size of the house connection sewer shall be determined by the Bureau of Engineering and included in the subdivision conditions.
  2. A sewer maintenance hole shall be required on the mainline sewer in the street adjacent to the property, if the size of the house connection will not permit a standard “wye” connection to the main line sewer.
  3. A Homeowners Association Agreement or Maintenance Agreement to run in perpetuity which includes common shared maintenance responsibility for the shared house connection sewer shall be created binding all property owners of the subject Small Lot Subdivision and filed with the Los Angeles County Recorder on all parcels involved.

Connecting Through a Private Easement

Permittee needs a private recorded Sewer easement drafted by LADBS providing access to the City Sewer through a neighboring lot.  Permittee will only be allowed to cross one lot (private easement) to access the City sewer.  Private lateral within the private easement is to be permitted and inspected by LADBS.  A public works connection permit will be issued to verify conditions of the lateral within the public right-of-way only.

Pipe Bursting

Must be completed by a Bonded Sewer Contractor and will require CCTV both prior to and after construction.  SDRF fees will be charged per the current LAMC 62.06.

Substandard Sewer Laterals

Once a CCTV has been performed, there may be a determination the sewer lateral is substandard, including materials and pipe diameter,  Substandard sewer laterals are handled on a case by case basis and tend to be in locations that have older sewers. 


Safety cone graphicSafety requirement for permits shall follow the Safety Guidelines for Development Services permits.






Peak hour restrictions and exemptions for permits shall follow the Peak Hour Restrictions/Exemptions Guidelines for Development Services permits.