Procedures for Processing Water Course Disruption Permits

Revised on 04-30-2024

Determining if Construction is within a Water Course 

In order for BOE Staff to evaluate whether a Water Course Disruption permit is necessary, the Applicant shall submit a request to the responsible District Office that will determine if the construction is within a Water Course. This is generally done during the Building Permit Clearance phase found within 17-Watercourse within this manual. 

  1. Applicant to submit a Customer Service Request (CSR) (located in the Customer Portal) with the following documents (information on each document can be found in the section Documentation/Other Requirements for a Water Course Disruption Permits below):
    1. Engineering Plans and Cross Section(s)
    2. Topographic Survey
    3. Hydrology and Hydraulics Report (only if construction is within or adjacent to the watercourse)
  2. BOE Staff to review CSR and determine location of construction activities. Construction may be in one of these areas:
    1. Parcel does not contain a watercourse (if watercourse originates in said parcel or carries negligible flow, Staff to determine if it should be considered a watercourse)
    2. Construction clearly outside of the bank of the watercourse. No Water Course Disruption permit is necessary.
    3. Construction within the bank of the watercourse. BOE Staff to evaluate the hydrology and hydraulics report to determine if construction is within Q-50 (or Q-50 burn/bulk if there is a potential for burn/bulk from upstream areas)
      1. If structure is located outside of the Q-50 burn & bulk plus an additional 2' freeboard area (including vertically), no Water Course Disruption permit is necessary.
      2. If structure is located above the Q-50 burn & bulk plus an additional 2' freeboard (ie bridge), a Water Course Disruption permit is necessary. Additionally, Staff will determine if the area can be maintained to City standards.
    4. Construction is within the channel of watercourse or to alter the bed/bank of the watercourse. A Water Course Disruption permit is necessary 
      1. If piping or channeling of the watercourse is being proposed and all other agency approvals have been obtained, Q-50 burn & bulk (or Q-50 clear, if applicable) plus an additional 2' freeboard area (including vertically) determines the size of the pipe. Proposed pipe must also be constructed to City Storm Drain standards for maintenance purposes.

Once the determination that a watercourse permit is necessary, BOE Staff is to provide the applicant with the Water Course Disruption Permit Application (hide this from public view) and provide a list of documents that will be needed from the list below.

Documentation/Other Requirements for a Water Course Disruption Permits

The following documents may accompany a CSR or the Water Course Disruption Permit Application (hide this from public view). BOE Staff to inform Applicant when one of the documents from the list of "Documents that may be Required" are necessary.

  1. Required Documents 
    1. Engineering Plans and Cross Section(s) prepared by a licensed California Civil Engineer in good standing that define the scope of the work.  These are generally the same plans submitted to Building & Safety. Plans and cross-section(s) shall show the limits of the Q-50 including the 2-foot freeboard. Applicant to submit proposed Drainage Plans (required) and proposed LID plans (if applicable).  This may simply be a grading plan. Note: If proposed work involves grading or rip-rap construction within the watercourse, a Grading Modification from LADBS Grading Division must accompany the Water Course Disruption Permit application.
    2. Topographic Survey signed by a Surveyor licensed in the State of California showing alignment, elevations, contours, toes and tops of slope of the watercourse and adjacent watercourses. Footprints of any existing structures adjacent to the watercourse shall be clearly identified.
  2. Documents that may be Required
    1. Hydrology and Hydraulic Report prepared per the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Hydrology Manual (Q-50 Burn and Bulk calculations should be necessary unless it is clear there is no burn/bulk possibly occuring).  Applicants can also input the information into LA County's HydroCalc Calculator (calculator only outputs Clear Peak and Burn Peak Flow) and send BOE the generated report. Other items of importance include:
      1. Must be signed and stamped by a licensed California Civil Engineer in good standing
      2. Required hydrology report to calculate run-off for 50-year storm frequency (Q-50 Storm - Clear and Q-Burn or Q-50 Burn & Bulk, depending on location and area specifics such as per Special Order No. 003-1005 - Mandeville Canyon Special Flood Risk Area includes Mandeville Canyon Creek and all of the water courses tributary to Mandeville Canyon Creek north of Sunset Boulevard and south of Mulholland Drive or if there is a potential for the upstream to have burn/bulk). 
      3. Hydraulic report may also be required to include the calculation of the water surface elevation in the natural watercourse based on run-off calculated for a 50-year storm frequency Q-50 Burn & Bulk (or Q-50 Clean, if it is clear there is no risk for burn/bulk to occur) analysis. This water surface elevation shall be a minimum of two feet below the lowest member of any structure allowed within the water course (2-foot freeboard). 
    2. Permit/Approval Documents may be required from outside agencies including: 
      1. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
        1. Anytime a Water Course Disruption Permit is required, this approval is necessary.  Note: A structure that casts a shadow on a watercourse but is not constructed over one may require a permit from CDFW but not a Water Course Disruption Permit
      2. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
        1. Construction activities that result in a new discharge connection to or bridge over the following locations require review by USACE (Regardless of who maintains this section):
          1. LA River
          2. Port of Long Beach
          3. Stream Channels that discharge into the Port of Long Beach
        2. Construction activities proposing discharge or fill into the Waters of the United States
      3. County of Los Angeles 
        1. Construction activities that result in a new connection to or bridge over the LA County Channels (ie LA River) that is maintained by LA County require a permit from LA County (Verification can be done through LA County Storm Drain System)
      4. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance 
        1. Construction activities that occur within the watercourse itself (not spanning over) that requires a B permit will be routed to the Environmental Management Group (EMG) within BOE  for CEQA determination. In general, unless the Applicant proposes to remove trees or interfere with animal habitats, the project would be exempt from CEQA.
    3. Title Report may be required of the Owner to confirm property ownership.
    4. Waiver of Damages, Indemnification Agreement and Right of Ingress and Egress.  In accordance with Section G 064 and Section G 070 of the Storm Drain Manual, applicants may be required to provide the City of Los Angeles with a recorded Waiver of Damages, a Covenant and Agreement for maintenance of the watercourse, and vehicular access to the watercourse and any pertinent municipal facility (i.e., revetments, retention basins, debris basins, etc.) as may be deemed necessary by the permitting engineer. This will be prepared by BOE Staff and provided to the Applicant.
    5. Public Notification for Projects Located in a Special Flood Risk Areas Only (Special Order No. 003-1005 - Mandeville Canyon Special Flood Risk Area includes Mandeville Canyon Creek and all of the water courses tributary to Mandeville Canyon Creek north of Sunset Boulevard and south of Mulholland Drive)
      1. The applicant shall provide written notice to residents of properties within a 500-foot radius from the proposed project location.
    6. Right of Entry may be required for any work associated with proposed construction that requires the trespassing onto private property not owned by the permittee. The permittee shall obtain and provide proof of a right-of-entry for ingress and/or egress across property under different ownership.  This is also a requirement of a B Permit.

Reviewing the Water Course Disruption Permit Application

BOE staff will input information from the Water Course Disruption Permit Application that has been provided by the Customer through Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal within the Customer Portal.  

  1. Application Information: 
    1. Full Name:
    2. Firm Name (If Applicable):
    3. Address:
    4. City:
    5. State:
    6. Zip:
    7. Phone:
    8. Email:
  2. Permit Password:
  3. Owner Information:  City staff to also verify legal ownership of subject property within the natural watercourse via Navigate LA.   Information could be the same as the Applicant Information.
    1. Full Name:
    2. Address:
    3. City:
    4. State:
    5. Zip:
    6. Phone:
    7. Email:
  4. Contractor Information: (Generally the applicant does not have this information at the time of application)
    1. Full Name:
    2. Address:
    3. City:
    4. State:
    5. Zip:
    6. Phone:
    7. Email:
  5. Address where work is to be performed:  Staff to determine if the proposed work is within limits of a natural watercourse and a watercourse permit is required.
    1. Address:
    2. City:
    3. State:
    4. Zip:
    5. Engineering District (required)* - Select the appropriate office from the dropdown menu
  6. Legal Description:
  7. Assessor Parcel Number (APN) Number:  This information can be obtained from Navigate LA under the Parcel Description 
    • Lot:  This information can be obtained from Navigate LA under the Parcel Description 
    • Block:  This information can be obtained from Navigate LA under the Parcel Description 
    • Tract:  This information can be obtained from Navigate LA under the Parcel Description 
  8. Proposed Work Description: Applicant should enter the Description of Proposed Work which City staff should verify:  
    • How will the applicant discharge into the watercourse, including the plan sheet reference.  City staff to verify the accuracy of the proposed work.
    • What is the nature of the proposed construction work and if other BOE permits are required
    • Describe the actual scope of work being done on the property (summary of what is listed on the LADBS permit)
    • Other agency permit numbers (LA County, Fish & Wildlife, RWQCB, etc.).  
    • If the applicant is using rip rap, staff should enter the LADBS grading modification number.  
    • For inspection, if the applicant is connecting into the City storm system, BCA would provide inspection, otherwise LADBS Grading Division will provide inspection
    • City staff notes:
      • Hydrology/Hydraulics Report Reviewed
    • Equipment Proposed to be Used:  Applicant to include their proposed equipment.  Generally this says “Hand Excavation”.
  9. Estimated or Actual Cost: 
    1. Applicant to enter the cost for the work in the water course only
  10. Date to Start Work:  This is the anticipated date the project will start
  11. Estimated Date to Finish Work:  This is the anticipated date the project will complete
  12. Nature of Adjacent Property: Staff to review Navigate LA contours to confirm the lower and upper property.
  13. Lower Property (select from the list below).  
    • Improved 
    • Vacant
    • Public Street 
    • Not Applicable
  14. Upper Property
    • Improved 
    • Vacant
    • Public Street 
    • Not Applicable
  15. Geocoding:  Geocoding is a geographic marker placed within Navigate LA.  If you make a mistake when adding a point, click the mark and select delete from the popup prompt.  This step is completed once the permit is issued.
    1. Click on Geocode / View Location(s) on the left menu
    2. Select “Search”
    3. Enter the project location on the left
    4. Select the project location
    5. Select Add Point.  Try to locate the point as close to the actual location of the water course.
  16. Process Application:
    1. Permit(s) Required from Department of Public Works
      1. Requirement(s):
        1. Class (A) Permit Required:  Check this box if there will be an “A” Permit required (not as common).  A specific example of when the A Permit Box is checked when the applicant places site roof drainage via curb drain to the public right of way.
        2. Class (B) Permit Required:  Check this box if it is determined the proposed structure, fill, alteration or repair would become part of the City's permanently improved storm water drainage system.  There may also may be situations where the applicant wants to build a private system that may eventually become part of the City storm drain system, the City can issue a B Permit to confirm the system is built to City standards.
  17. No Dept. of Public Works Permits Required:  There are no other BOE permits tied to the Water Course Disruption permit.
  18. Building and Safety Permit Required (For grading any Hillside Area - Section 91.0201(b).):  Check the appropriate box
  19. Lot Sketch: Check the appropriate box
  20. Contour Maps and Plans:  Check the appropriate box
  21. Waiver of Damages:  Check the appropriate box
  22. Fee Information:
  23. Permit Fee:  Insert the current fee from the Fee Schedule including the 7% surcharge (LAMC 61.03) for the Water Course Disruption Permit.   as four hours of Special Engineering
  24. Permit Fee Received:  Check this box once payment is received
  25. Receipt Number:  Insert the receipt number
  26. Reference Information:
  27. District Map No.:  City staff to get this information from Navigate LA 
  28. Drainage Map No.:  City staff to get this information from Navigate LA (Valley District Drainage Maps)
  29. Division Index:  City staff to get this information from Navigate LA
  30. Waiver No.:  This field is no longer required per BOE Notice No. 4 from March 4, 2021.

Permit Processing

BOE Staff to review all documents and verify that all items needed to issue a Water Course Disruption Permit are submitted (see "Documentation/Other Requirements for a Water Course Disruption Permits" above for list of potential documents). Field Investigation may need to be done by BOE Staff.

  1. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING COMMENTS TO BE SHOWN AND EMAILED TO CUSTOMER (Will not be printed on Final Permit):  Staff to enter any comments the applicant should see, including any missing information.
    1. Staff to enter any notes about the permit that the applicant needs to know.  Some of the notes may include:
    2. Applicant to call for inspection
    3. Applicant to provide additional information
  2. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING INTERNAL COMMENTS:  (Will not be shown to customer or printed on Final Permit)
    1. Other agency permit numbers (LA County, Fish & Wildlife,  etc.).  
    2. If the applicant is using rip rap, staff should enter the LADBS grading modification number.  
    3. For inspection, if the applicant is connecting into the City storm system, BCA would provide inspection, otherwise LADBS Grading Division will provide inspection
    4. City staff notes:
      1. Hydrology/Hydraulics Report Reviewed
  3. LOCK APPLICATION (Do not Allow Customer to Modify Permit):  City staff can only check this box. Applicant can no longer modify the application.
  4. APPLICATION STATUS:  City Staff to select from the following options in the drop down:
    1. Cancel Application
    2. Estimate Only
    3. Incomplete Application
    4. Approve Until Payment Received
    5. Issue Permit
  5. FINAL PERMIT:  Once it has been determined the permit is approved and ready to issue, City Staff would click “Final Permit” on the left menu.  City staff to complete the following:
    1. Applicant to sign the permit
    2. City staff to sign the permit
    3. City staff make a copy of the signed permit and provide a copy to the applicant
    4. City staff to instruct the applicant to attach their Water Course Disruption Permit to their LADBS permit documents
    5. City staff to scan a copy of the final signed permit and upload the document to the “Attachments” section of the electronic permit system
  6. Add Attachments
    1. Both the Applicant and City staff to upload relevant documents.  City staff should upload all applicable documents to the system.
  7. Attachments
    1. Area of the application allows both the City and the Applicant to review documents that have been uploaded to the permit system.  Only City staff have the ability to delete documents.
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