Applications for building permits filed with LADBS are checked to determine if a project within in a Watercourse and if a Watercourse Disruption Permit is required. All cases of actual or possible encroachment into a Watercourse are referred to BOE for review.
Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter. This includes requesting clearances for building permits.
Codes and regulations that govern this process include but are not limited to:
Processing Building & Safety Clearances
The goal of this procedure is to provide Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) customers with an early acknowledgment that their project may require Bureau of Engineering (BOE) review for impacts to watercourses. Encroachments that require approval by BOE may also require the applicant to obtain a BOE Watercourse Disruption Permit prior to BOE clearing the item in PCIS.
If the subject project is located within a watercourse, the Applicant may be required to obtain a Watercourse Disruption Permit from BOE.
BOE staff should verify/collect the following based on the scope of work of the project:
- BOE to request a copy of the Building Permit Application for the subject project. If the Applicant can't provide a copy, BOE staff can login to PCIS, Clearance and print a copy of the Building Permit Application (see Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) Usage instructions, under Printing a Building Permit Application). Review the Building Permit Application for:
- Copy of the plans submitted to LADBS to determine if the subject project is located within a watercourse. Review the W Permit Technical Procedures Section of this manual to determine project specific requirements.
- Copy of the plans submitted to LADBS to determine if the subject project is located within a watercourse. Review the W Permit Technical Procedures Section of this manual to determine project specific requirements.
- Go to NavigateLA and click the "Show Table of Contents" button in the upper right side of the screen
- Type in the address in the search field in the upper right of the screen
- Click on "Advanced Options" (the gears on the top banner), click "Show Me" then click "Infrastructure - Storm Drains"
- In the "Table of Contents", verify "Contour Lines" layer is checked (Under "Geotechnical")
- In the "Table of Contents", verify "Watercourse" layer is checked (Under "Hydrographic Information" and subsequently "Watercourses")
- Open the "Parcel Profile Report (DCP)" and under the "Additional Information" section confirm whether or not the subject property is in the Watercourse
- Review any MapNotes to identify any previous concerns with the subject project
- Type in the address in the search field in the upper right of the screen
- BOE Staff to review construction activities to confirm whether these activities will be within the watercourse.
- If no work within watercourse, follow directions below for Sample Comment 2.
- If work is proposed within the watercourse, provide the applicant with an application for a watercourse permit and follow the procedures under Procedures for Processing Water Course Disruption Permits. Only proceed with providing a clearance once the Water Course Disruption Permit is issued. Note: The Valley District Office will not issue a Water Course Disruption Permit until after the construction activities has been completed and the clearance will be provided prior to issuance.
- BOE staff to login to PCIS and complete tasks 1-5 as shown in the document 00 - Clearance Summary Worksheet for Building Permit Application Clearances, Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) Usage, under Building Permit Clearances, Technical Procedures, Clearance Summary Work Sheet Clearances.
- Confirm Watercourse is listed in the Condition / Clearance Name field
- Click the "Comment" box in the upper right side on the screen
- Comments should provide information to LADBS as well as the District Office who will issue the Watercourse Disruption Permit
- Sample Comment 1 - Watercourse Disruption Permit #
- Sample Comment 2 - Construction not within Watercourse. No W Permit necessary.
- Comments should provide information to LADBS as well as the District Office who will issue the Watercourse Disruption Permit
- Click the "Comment" box in the upper right side on the screen
- Confirm Watercourse is listed in the Condition / Clearance Name field
- Update the "Status" field to one of the following:
- Pending - Applicant has not paid for the Watercourse Disruption Permit
- Denied - Applicant will NOT apply for an Watercourse Disruption Permit and one is required
- Approved - Applicant has provided proof of an issued Watercourse Disruption Permit
- Approved with Conditions - Applicant has provided proof of an issued Watercourse Disruption Permit
- Approved for Drainage - Not used
- Exempt - Not used
- Not Required - BOE has determined the proposed project is not located within a watercourse
- Click "Save Status" (if this is not clicked, the worksheet will not save)