16 - Flood Clearance

Revised on 09-04-2024

The following is the process of updating Flood Clearance clearance status on the Clearance Summary Worksheet.  This process is done through the LA Department of Building and Safety's (LADBS) Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) under the module called "Clearances".  If an applicant wishes to check whether or not they are in the Flood Zone, they can go to NavigateLA and search for the address and select "Parcel DFIRM Flood Zone Report" from the Report Window.  If this is not a selection option, the subject property may not be in a flood zone. 

Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter.  This includes requesting clearances for building permits.

Note:  BOE Streets and Storm Water Division provide the Clearance, not BOE counter staff.  BOE counter staff shall notify the Applicant immediately of this.

BOE Counter Staff Responsibilities

If an Applicant comes to the BOE counter, the following is the process BOE counter staff will perform prior to sending the Applicant to the Street and Storm Water Division.

  1. BOE counter staff to provide the Applicant with the following:
    1. Street and Storm Water Division contact information (eng.nfip@lacity.org)
    2. Link to Required documents for Flood Zone Clearance (page 7 of the newsletter) 
  2. BOE counter staff will not make any modifications in PCIS for this Clearance
  3. BOE counter staff should inform the Applicant to email their request to the Street and Storm Water Division and include in the email the following documents:
    1. LADBS Permit Application
    2. Clearance Summary Worksheet
    3. Site plans(s)
    4. Floor plan(s)
    5. Foundation plan(s)
    6. Elevation plan(s)
    7. Section plan(s)

BOE Street and Storm Water Division Staff Responsibilities

  1. BOE Street and Storm Water Division will email the Applicant the appropriate checklist of required documents, in case there are other documents needed.
  2. Once all the information is received and initially reviewed, the Street and Storm Water Division will send the Applicant an invoice to start the processing of the Clearance.  This fee is in the form of a deposit for which City staff time spent reviewing the application will be charged.  BOE Street and Storm Water Division staff will work to respond to an Applicant within two weeks.
  3. Applicant pays via the Universal Cashiering system
  4. Street and Storm Water Division will review the application and communicate with the Applicant about questions.  The overall process generally takes less than a month, but may take more time depending on complexity.
  5. Applicant will be notified of the final decision on the Clearance.  If approved, the Applicant will have the option to get their final clearance via email or in person.  If an in person meeting is desired, the Applicant will need to make an appointment via email (eng.nfip@lacity.org).

Reference Documents

  1. Required documents for Flood Zone Clearance (page 7 of the newsletter)
  2. Flood Clearance Procedures Manual
  3. National Flood Insurance Program Clearance Checklists (appropriate checklist will be emailed to the Applicant by the Streets & Storm Water Division)
  4. FEMA Temporary Suspension of Applications of Letters of Map Revision based on fill (LOMR-Fs) and Conditional Letters of Map Revision based on fill (CLOMR-Fs) starting August 14, 2020 until consultation is complete
  5. Ordinances associated with the management of Flood Hazards