15 - Miscellaneous: Early Construction for Small Lot Subdivision

Revised on 09-04-2024


The following is the process of updating the "Miscellaneous:  Early Construction for Small Lot Subdivision" clearance status on the Clearance Summary Worksheet.  This process is done through the LA Department of Building and Safety's (LADBS) Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) under the module called "Clearances".    A project with this Clearance will be considered a "discretionary" project and include Planning Conditions.

This Clearance item may show up on an Applicant's Clearance Summary Worksheet in advance of other BOE Clearances.  This Clearance informs the Applicant about any dedication and/or improvements to the public right of way that will be required in order for them to start early construction of their project.  

NOTE:  These two Clearance items, Highway Dedication and Permit (Driveways, Curb Ramps, and Sidewalks), will show up later on the Applicant's Clearance Summary Worksheet and BOE will need to review the Highway Dedication System and Permit System to verify requirements were met.

Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter.  This includes requesting clearances for building permits.

BOE staff should perform the following procedures to process to determine the Applicant's dedication and/or improvement requirements. 

  1. Highway Dedication Processing for Discretionary Projects in Section 01 - Dedication Processing document under "Other BOE Permits and Processes" (dedication must be initiated in the online Highway Dedication System or map has to have recorded)
  2. Section 07 - Permit (Driveways, Curb Ramps, and Sidewalks) under "Building & Safety Clearances, Technical Procedures, Clearance Summary Worksheet Clearances" (improvements must be suitably guaranteed or completed)

Once BOE staff has completed the above processes, BOE to login to PCIS and complete tasks 1-5 as shown in the document 00 - Clearance Summary Worksheet for Building Permit Application Clearances,  Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) Usage, under Building Permit Clearances, Technical Procedures, Clearance Summary Work Sheet Clearances.

  1. Confirm Miscellaneous:  Early Construction for Small Lot Subdivision is listed in the Condition / Clearance Name field 
    1. Click the "Comment" box in the upper right side on the screen
      1. Comments should provide enough information to the District Office making a determination 
        1. Sample Comment - [3'] dedication required on [Street Name] [Highway Dedication Reference # XXXXX].  Planning Case #. Applicant to obtain an A-Permit for sidewalks and driveways
        2. Sample Comment - Non dedication required.  Improvements per [#BR001234]
  2. Update the "Status" field to one of the following:
    1. Pending - Status the Clearance item starts in and remains until another status is selected
    2. Denied - Not used
    3. Approved - Only used if the map has recorded and the Applicant has completed the A or B Permit work
    4. Approved with Conditions - Used when improvements are suitably guaranteed through an A or B Permit and dedication has been initiated in the online Highway Dedication System (or map has recorded)
    5. Approved for Drainage - Not used
    6. Exempt - Not used
    7. Not Required - Not used
  3. Click "Save Status" (if this is not clicked, the worksheet will not save)