07 - Permit (Driveways, Curb Ramps, and Sidewalks)

Revised on 12-15-2022

Per LAMC 91.109.3 - Issuance of Certificates, the City Engineer is authorized to review and provide BOE Clearances for LADBS building permit applications in order to determine if additional construction permits and their applicable requirements will be required for the construction of driveways, curb, gutter, sidewalk, etc. within the public right of way. 

Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter.  This includes requesting clearances for building permits.

Laws, Codes, and Regulations Concerning Clearances for Permit (Driveways, Curb Ramps, and Sidewalks)

Processing the BOE Clearance for Permit (Driveways, Curb Ramps, and Sidewalks)

The following is the process of updating "Permit (Driveways, Curb Ramps, and Sidewalks)" clearance status on the Clearance Summary Worksheet.  This process is done through the LA Department of Building and Safety's (LADBS) Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) under the module called "Clearances".

BOE staff should verify the following: 

  1. BOE staff shall verify if there is an Urban Forestry Division (UFD) Clearance on the Applicants Clearances.
    1. If there is a clearance: 
      1. BOE staff will review the "Permit for construction of driveways/ curb ramps/ sidewalk" clearance as detailed on item 2. down this list,  but will not approve the clearance until UFD has approved their respective clearance.
      2. UFD will provide comments on the Clearance Summary Worksheet.
      3. BOE staff will proceed with incorporating comments from UFD as needed.
    2. If there is no UFD clearance, BOE staff can proceed with item 2.
  2. Applicant to provide BOE a copy of the proposed driveway plans or sketch to determine which "Driveway Case" to apply.  NOTE:  If the Applicant wants approval for parking in the front or side yard, they will be required to provide BOE with "LADBS Approved" driveway plans.  Plans/sketch should include:
    1. Street culture
    2. Dimensions of the proposed project.  If the driveway appears to exceed an upward or downward grade of 12½ percent (as of October 2017), the Applicant may be required to submit a driveway grading plan showing:
      1. Curb elevations
      2. Property line elevations
      3. Garage floor elevations
      4. Distances between elevations (if the driveway is on a steep hillside, the limits may not be obtainable)
    3. Width of driveway should be commensurate with the width of the garage as well as compliant with LAMC 62.105.2 - Width of Driveway Approach Aprons
      1. Width of the driveway approach can be less than required if a common driveway exists on private property. Proof of a common driveway is through an affidavit approved by LADBS.
  3. BOE to confirm engineering requirements per City Standard Plans S-400 Series and determine "Driveway Case"
    1. Driveways are not permitted where only partial ingress of vehicle on private property is possible and where the driveway approach does not lead to a legal parking area on private property.  For example, a driveway can not lead to a trash can or equipment.
    2. Confirm if driveways located on an alley have adequate automobile access through the LADBS Zoning Code Manual and Commentary-4th Edition - Page 175 Applies to Driveway Location - Access through substandard width alleys. 
  4. Go to NavigateLA and search for the street address
    1. Confirm the street classification
      1. Avenues or Boulevards require LADOT approval (also an LADOT Clearance Item). Driveways, in many cases, are not permitted on Avenues or Boulevards if another street or alley is available for driveway access.   On a State highway, driveways must conform to Caltrans regulations.
      2. Driveway are also not allowed a intersections for safety reasons
    2. Review any MapNotes 
  5. BOE staff to login to PCIS and complete tasks 1-5 as shown in the document 00 - Clearance Summary Worksheet for Building Permit Application Clearances,  Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) Usage, under Building Permit Clearances, Technical Procedures, Clearance Summary Work Sheet Clearances.
    1. Confirm Permit is listed in the Condition / Clearance Name field 
      1. Click the "Comment" box in the upper right side on the screen
        1. Comments should provide enough information to the District Office issuing the permit (A or B Permit) to make a determination 
          1. Sample Comment 1 - Ok to use Case 2 (W-__").  Applicant must obtain an A Permit for construction.  BOE can provide the Applicant with the A-Permit requirements for Driveway Construction Handout (General Information Concerning the Construction of Curbs, Driveways, and Sidewalks under Class "A" Permits)
          2. Sample Comment 2 - Driveway is included as part of the B Permit #__
          3. Sample Comment 3 - Revocable Permit is required for mid-block curb ramp 
          4. Sample Comment 4 - Street grade not established, Applicant is required to obtain a B Permit
  6. Update the "Status" field to one of the following:
    1. Pending - Used when the Applicant has no plans or sketch or if the driveway is not shown on the plans
    2. Denied - Not used
    3. Approved - Used only when the Applicant can show the existing driveway will be used or proof that an applicable A Permit has been applied for when constructing a new driveway (generally not advised because the A Permit will expire after six months)
    4. Approved with Conditions - Used when there is a B Permit #BR001234 that is suitably guaranteed, when the Applicant must obtain an A Permit or when an Applicant must obtain a Revocable Permit
    5. Approved for Drainage - Not used
    6. Exempt - Not used
    7. Not Required - Not used
  7. Click "Save Status" (if this is not clicked, the worksheet will not save)