Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter. This includes requesting clearances for building permits.
The following is the process of clearing Highway Dedication on a Building Permit for Certificate of Occupancy (CofO). This process is done through the LA Department of Building and Safety's (LADBS) Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) under the module called Automated Certificate of Occupancy System (ACOS).
- BOE Staff to verify if Highway Dedication was required on PCIS through one of the following:
- R-3 Ordinance: Dedication and possible street improvements are required
- Hillside Ordinance: Dedication and possible street improvements are required
- Planning Actions: Discretionary actions may require dedication which is paid at the Land Development Group (LGD)
- Applicant to provide BOE staff a copy of the receipt of payment
- Subdivision: Tract or Parcel Maps deal with any required dedication.
- If No dedication was required, ACOS can be cleared for Highway Dedication.
- If Dedication was required, BOE staff to verify the following (Specific instructions for dedication is documented in the Highway Dedication Investigation area of this manual.
- If the dedication was initiated by R-3 Ordinance, Hillside Ordinance or a Planning Action, the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate (IOD) must be recorded by the Real Estate Group
Verify by checking the Highway Dedication Tracking System Application
- Click "Search for a Case"
- Search by one of the drop down selections and select as appropriate:
- R/W Number
- Reference Numbers
- Job Address
- Building Permit Number
- Owner Name
- Click "Process Application on the left menu
- In the "Requirements Checklist" grid, BOE staff to confirm a date is shown in any of the following fields:
- Recorded IOD Number
- Date IOD Recorded
- Date Documents Received from Applicant / Owner
- Resolution Recording Date
- If the dedication was initiated by R-3 Ordinance, Hillside Ordinance or a Planning Action, the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate (IOD) must be recorded by the Real Estate Group
- If a Subdivision, the final map must be recorded. Note: Subdivisions without a recorded final map will be required by LADBS to obtain a supplemental building permit.
- If dedication was through the R-3 Ordinance prior to the recordation of a Subdivision, the IOD must be recorded if the Applicant wants CofO. If the map records prior to this time, the IOD can be canceled because the dedication was taken care of by the Map. There are exceptions to this requirement, including:
- Change of use from apartment to condominiums
- If dedication is of City owned property, clearance may be provided once the following items are provided:
Note: Recreation and Parks property can only be dedicated through the Board of Recreation and Parks (Special Order No. 006-1004)- Fees paid
- Current Title Report(s)
- Any other pertinent documents
PCIS ACOS Processing
BOE staff should follow the process documented in 00 - Processing Automated Certificate of Occupancy System (ACOS) and Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO).