Note: BOE created the Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal (located in the Customer Portal) to allow members of the public to make contact with City Staff for questions and/or assistance on any permit or development services related matter. This includes requesting clearances for building permits.
The following is the process of Open Permits Clearance on a Building Permit for Certificate of Occupancy (CofO). This process is done through the LA Department of Building and Safety's (LADBS) Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) under the module called Automated Certificate of Occupancy System (ACOS).
- BOE staff to verify though ACOS if any of the following permits were required during the building permit process:
- "A" Permit: Repairs, curb drains, driveways, sidewalk.
- "B" Permit: Street widening, sewer mainline, street trees.
- SD-Permit: Installation of utilities (DWP, SCG, cable tv, etc.)
- E-Permit: Shoring, excavations adjacent to public R/W.
- R Permit
- If a permit(s) was required, verify whether the permit was accepted by BCA. There is generally more than one permit required as a condition of the project.
- A-Permits: Check A-Permit on-line application for BCA sign-off on the permit
Open the A-Permit application and click "Search" from the left menu and enter your search criteria
- Select the permit record from the list
- Click "Inspection Record(s)" from the left menu
- Confirm the "Inspection Type" is shown as FINAL
- Make a note of the "Inspection Date" for entry into ACOS
- "B" Permits: Check "B" Permit on-line application for BCA sign-off on the permit
Open the "B" Permit application and click "Search" from the left menu
- Enter the "B" Permit number referenced on the Clearance Summary Worksheet
- Click "Permit Closure from the top menu
- BOE to verify a date is entered in the "BCA Final Acceptance Date" field under the As-Built grid
- Make a note of the "BCA Final Acceptance Date" for entry into ACOC
- E-Permits: Check E-Permit on-line application for BCA sign-off on the permit
Open the E-Permit application and click "Search" from the left menu and enter your search criteria
- Select the permit record from the list
- Click "Inspection Records" from the left menu
- Confirm the "Inspection Type" is shown as FINAL
- Make a note of the "Inspection Date" for entry into ACOS
- R-Permits: Check R-Permit on-line application for BCA sign-off on the permit
- Open the R-Permit application and click "Search" from the left menu and enter your search criteria
Select the permit record from the list
- Click "View Attachment(s)" from the left menu
- Confirm the District Engineer signed R-Permit
- Make a note of the "This Revocable Permit hereby issued on this day of" date for entry into ACOS
- SD-Permits: Check SD-Permit on-line application for BCA sign-off on the permit
Open the SD-Permit application and click "Search" from the left menu and enter your search criteria
- Select the permit record from the list
- Click "Inspection" from the top menu
- Confirm there is a date listed in the "Date Inspected" field on the permit is there
- Make a note of the "Inspection Date" for entry into ACOS
- A-Permits: Check A-Permit on-line application for BCA sign-off on the permit
Lateral Support
Procedure for Accepting and Processing Lateral Support and PCIS Clearance (document from Alan Tam).
BOE staff should follow the process documented in 00 - Processing Automated Certificate of Occupancy System (ACOS) and Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO).