01b - Dedication Processing - On-Line Application Procedures

Revised on 06-12-2024

Creating a New Record in the Highway Dedication Tracking System 

​​​​​​New Request

  1. BOE Staff to select “New Request" from the left menu in the online system.  BOE Staff may work with the Applicant to complete the Application. 
  2. Applicant Type grid:  Select one of the following, depending on the circumstances of the project.  A project may go through both processes, Investigation and Highway Dedication.
    1. Investigation: Used for all projects subject to LAMC 12.37 
    2. Highway Dedication:  Used when dedication is being processed 
  3. Applicant Information grid:
    1. Full Name: First and last name of Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    2. Address:  Address of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    3. City:  City of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    4. State: State of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    5. Zip:  Zip code of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    6. Phone:  Phone number of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    7. Fax: If applicable, fax number of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
    8. Email:  Email address of the Applicant (may be different than the Property Owner)
  4. Owner Information grid:
    1. Same as Applicant Information:  Click if the information is the same as was entered for the Applicant
    2. Full Name: First and last name of property owner (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    3. Address:  Address of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    4. City:  City of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    5. State: State of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    6. Zip:  Zip code of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    7. Phone:  Phone number of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    8. Fax: If applicable, fax number of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
    9. Email:  Email address of the Applicant (may be different than the Applicant Information)
  5. Property Information grid:
    1. Job Address:  Address of the property where the dedication will take place
    2. Building Permit Application No.:  Located on the Clearance Summary Worksheet or on the first page of the Building Permit Application (documents are submitted as part of the requested Highway Dedication package)
    3. Planning Case Number:  Number is obtained through Zimas (process is documented above)
    4. Tract:  Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)".  This is not where the Tract Map number goes.
    5. Block:  Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)" 
    6. Lot:  Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)"
    7. Arb.:  Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)"
  6. Project Information (if applicable) grid:
    1. Project Title:  This is the name the Developer or City may have designated as the project name, i.e., Lucas Museum, Jordan Downs, etc.
    2. Project Engineer (if City project):  Name of City staff member designated as the Project Engineer 
    3. Project Engineer Title (if City project):  Functional title of City staff member person designated as the Project Engineer 
    4. Work Order or I.D.O. (if City project):  Number can be obtained from the City staff member designated as the Project Engineer
    5. B-Permit Number (if applicable):  Number can be obtained from the City staff member designated as the Project Engineer
    6. Work Description:  Description is provided by the City staff member designated as the Project Engineer
  7. Dedication Information grid:
    1. The Area to be dedicated is for: (select one)
      1. Street
      2. Alley
      3. Sidewalk
      4. Sanitary Sewer
      5. Storm Drain
      6. Other - Explain   
    2. The area dedicated is located at:
      1. Engineering District:  Select the appropriate District from the drop-down menu
      2. Planning District:  Select the appropriate District from the drop-down menu
      3. Council District Number: Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)"
      4. District Map Number:  Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)"
      5. Thomas Guide Page and Grid:  Can be obtained from NavigateLA by looking up the subject property and selecting the "Parcel Profile Report (BAS)"
    3. Description of Dedication (example):  Enter the description of the dedication as determined from the investigation.  Sample: 2' along Wilshire Bl, 15' X 15' Corner Cut.
    4. Reason for Dedication (example): Staff should include information about why the dedication in being required including (PCM-confirm reasons or is this only for voluntary):
      1. Required by who or what department
      2. Dwelling type
      3. Applicable ordinance or LAMC
  8. The dedication is required by grid:
    1. R3 - Hwy Dedication 
    2. CPC - Planning Number:  Add the Planning Case number that was used above
    3. ZA - Planning Number:  Add the Planning Case number that was used above
    4. DOT 
    5. Hillside Ordinance      
    6. Voluntary Dedication ** Fill in "Reason for Dedication"
    7. Other - Explain: Other agencies requirements that are outside of BOE or Planning 
  9. Click Submit
  10. Click Next


  1. Click "Attachments" from the left menu
    1. Upload all documents that were received from the Applicant.  Files should be named in an easy to understand manner.

Payment Receipts

  1. Click "Payment Receipts" from the left menu.  
    1. Click "Add New Receipt" (Note:  Some projects may include multiple fees so this process would be used at each stage)
    2. Check the applicable box next to the unit fee:
      1. Highway Dedication Investigation Fee (QC760):  Used when BOE starts the investigation process if the project is subject to LAMC 12.37.  
      2. Highway Dedication Processing Fee (R3) (QC761):  Used once the investigation is complete and the project, which is subject to LAMC 12.37, is starting the dedication process.  
      3. Highway Dedication Processing Fee (Non-R3) (QC762):  Used when a project has dedication requirements but is not subject to LAMC 12.37 (Planning, Easements, Voluntary).  
      4. Highway Dedication Expedited Deposit (QC950) Open WO first:  Used in additional to one of the above to expedite the Highway Dedication process.  Note: A Work Order (WO) for expedited service must be opened  at the same time as the Highway Dedication  Processing Fee.
    3. Proceed to the Universal Cashiering online application to generate an invoice to send to the customer.  The procedures for how to process payments can be found in this manual under Other BOE Permits/Processes and called 07 - Universal Cashiering On-Line Processing
    4. Comments Box:  Once the invoice from the on-line Universal Cashiering application is paid, return to the on-line Highway Dedication system , click "Payment Receipts" from the left menu, then select "Make Payment" under "Actions" on the appropriate receipt entry.  Fill in the "Comments" section with the transaction ID number from the Universal Cashiering System. 
    5. Click "Upload Payment Slip"

Geocode/View Location(s) NEW

  1. Select "Geocode/View Location(s) NEW from the left menu
    1. BOE Staff to Geocode per the new Geocoding guidelines

Process Application

  1. Select "Process Application" from the left menu
    1. Investigation
      1. Requirements Checklist grid:
        1. Copy of Building Permit Received/WDI Request
          Yes     No       N/A       Date Received
        2. Site Plan Received
          Yes     No       N/A       Date Received
        3. Fees (check the appropriate fee description).  Multiple fee payments can be collected during the Highway Dedication Clearance process.  Currently (November 2018), BOE staff must enter multiple records to collect all transactions.  
      2. Processing grid:
        1. Lock Application:  Once selected, nothing can be modified on the application
        2. Cancel Application:  Select once written notification has been received from the applicant
        3. Improvements Accepted - No Dedication Required (No Further Processing will take place)
        4. Date of Investigation Completed: Date BOE completed the investigation
        5. BOE Comments:  Enter any information about the dedication that may be relevant to other Districts, the applicant, or other departments.
  2. Click "Update"

Prepare Documents

  1. Click "Prepare Documents" from the left menu
  2. Select one of the following letters to be prepared.  The selection is determined by where is the project is in the process.
    1. Letter of Requirements to Customer:  Used when any dedication and/or improvements are required
      1. Field 1:  Below the City Seal:  Enter the date
      2. Field 2 and 3: Field 2, enter the name of the first major adjoining street.  Field 3, enter the name of the street classification per the Mobility 2035 Plan
      3. Field 4 and 5: Field 4, enter the name of the second major adjoining street.  Field 5, enter the name of the street classification per the Mobility 2035 Plan.  If there is no second street, this would be left blank.  If there are more than two streets, these would be listed in the lines below.
      4. Lines 1-15:  Enter the specific dedication or improvement item that is required.  Some projects may have more than one requirement, so each should be listed separate.  Dedication requirements should be listed individually first then improvements should follow.  BOE Staff should be as specific as possible. Examples include:
        1. Dedication - #' on STREET (first street) AND corner cut information, if applicable
        2. Dedication - #' on STREET (second street if applicable) AND corner cut information, if applicable
        3. Dedication - #' on STREET (third street if applicable) AND corner cut information, if applicable
        4. Dedication - #' on STREET (fourth street if applicable) AND corner cut information, if applicable
        5. Improvement - List Permit Required (A or B) for standard improvements (non-standard improvements will require additional approvals/permits)
        6. Improvement - (if applicable) Curb & Gutter should be replaced to minimum standards including [specifics such as length, dimensions, and scope]
        7. Improvement - (if applicable) Sidewalk [fill in dedicated area with sidewalk and/or repair sidewalk including specifics such as length, dimensions, and scope]
        8. Improvement - (if applicable) Driveways [close any unused driveways and construct full height curb & gutter]
        9. Improvements - Sewer lateral to be extended to new property line per current standards (will require a bonded sewer contractor to obtain an S-Permit)
        10. Improvement - Unique situation (could include retaining walls, turn-arounds, etc) [include specifics such as length, dimensions, and scope]
      5. Enter the BOE contact for any questions about the letter and provide a phone number
      6. Enter the name of the person signing the letter (usually the District Engineer) and their title
    2. Letter from City Engineer to Council:  No longer used 
    3. Letter from City Engineer to Planning Dept.:  Used after the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate (IOD) is recorded by BOE Real Estate Division
      1. Field 1:  Enter the date the letter is sent to Planning
      2. Field 2:  Enter the street address
      3. Field 3:  Enter the name of the applicable District Engineer 
      4. Field 4:  Enter the mail stop number for the applicable District Engineer
      5. Field 5:  Enter the date the Applicant is required to return document to BOE.  This date is 30-days from the date of the letter.
      6. Field 6:  Enter the name of the BOE representative who can answer questions regarding the letter.
      7. Field 7:  Enter the phone number of the BOE representative who can answer questions regarding the letter.
      8. Click "Update"
    4. Council Resolution:  No longer used 
    5. Memo to City Engineer (Revised Policy): Memo used by the District Office to seek approval from the City Engineer for the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate (IOD).
      1. Field 1:  Date is automatically populated with the current date
      2. Field 2:  Enter the LA County Recorder number
      3. Field 3:  Enter the name of the BOE representative who can answer questions regarding the letter.
      4. Field 4:  Enter the phone number of the BOE representative who can answer questions regarding the letter.
      5. Click "Update"
    6. Memo to Real Estate Group (Revised Policy): Memo sent to the Real Estate Division by the District Office once the City Engineer has provided approval for the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate (IOD). 
      1. Field 1:  Date is automatically populated with the current date
      2. Field 2:  Enter the name of the BOE representative who can answer questions regarding the letter.
      3. Field 3:  Enter the phone number of the BOE representative who can answer questions regarding the letter.
      4. Click "Update"
    7. Revised Resolution (Revised Policy): Council resolution prepared in conjunction with the "Memo to City Engineer".  The City Engineer can accept the IOD on behalf of the City Council.
      1. Field 1-4:  Automatically populated
      2. Field 5:  Enter the LA County Recorder number 
      3. Field 6: Enter the date the document was recorded with LA County
      4. Click "Update"
    8. Prepare Highway Dedication Waiver:  No longer used.  If an Applicant wants to deviate from the required dedication, they will be required to make a formal request through City Planning. Additional instructions can be found in the "Waiver of Street Dedication and or Improvements" section in the 01 - Dedication Processing document.

Print Documents

  1. Click "Print Documents" from the left menu
  2. Select the appropriate document from the following:
    1. Letter of Requirements to Customer: Printed for applicant
    2. Letter from City Engineer to Council:  No longer used
    3. Letter from City Engineer to Planning Dept.:  Document sent to City Planning
    4. Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate
    5. Council Resolution:  No longer used
    6. Memo to City Engineer (Revised Policy):  Document sent to the City Engineer from the District Office
    7. Memo to Real Estate Group (Revised Policy):  Document sent to the Real Estate Division from the District Office
    8. Revised Resolution (Revised Policy):  Resolution Document attached to the "Memo to City Engineer"