Construction Notification Guidelines

Revised on 10-22-2024


On September 25, 2024, the Board of Public Works adopted the Standard Construction Notice for Permits (BPW-2024-0536) for projects that occupy the public right-of-way for more than four hours. Permittees are required to give notice to the abutting property occupants per the schedule below. 


Permit TypeNotification Time (in days)
U-Permit: Projects of four days or more of construction2
U-Permit: Projects of three days or less of constructionDay of


This new Board policy supersedes the Brown Book specification. The distribution of the construction notice shall be to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Contract Administration (BCA). To schedule an Inspector, use BCA’s online Inspection Appointment Request service.

Emergency Work

Emergency Work is relieved from the requirement when the duration of the work does not exceed two days. Emergency Work that will have a duration of greater than two days will be required to provide notification within three days of commencing work.

Note: LAMC 62.00 defines Emergency Work as: “immediate and unplanned action that must be taken to alleviate a hazardous condition, which represents an immediate threat to life, health, safety, or property. Emergency Work includes, but is not limited to, efforts to effect the restoration of interrupted utility services (electrical, water, gas, wastewater, and telecommunications).”

Deviation of Standard Notification Time (in Progress)

When unique circumstances emerge, the District Office may allow for deviation from the standard notification time.