Excavation E - Geocoding

Revised on 02-25-2020

Geocoding is a geographic marker placed within Navigate LA.  This step should be completed as soon as possible during City staff’s review process to assist with identifying design conflicts.

  1. Click on Geocode / View Location(s) on the left menu
  2. Select “Search”
  3. Enter the project location on the left
  4. Select the project location
  5. Select Add Point, Add Polyline or Add Polygon.  This is based on the size/length of the project, you would use either a point, polyline, polygon to reflect the limits of the project.
    1. Points – Used for very small project footprints
    2. Polyline – Linear depiction of the project
    3. Polygon – Used to show a large area of a project

If you make a mistake when adding a point, polyline or polygon, double click the mark and select delete from the popup prompt.