15 - Temporary Full Street Closure Due to Construction Activities

Revised on 06-12-2024

The following procedure is utilized in situations where a full street closure is generally required for the safe execution of construction activities on Collector Streets, Avenues, and Boulevards.  While the street is closed to traffic, safe residential and business access (ingress and egress) shall be maintained during construction, if called for in the plans.  Full street closures generally take place on larger projects and include coordination with the affected Council Office and include community outreach to keep the local constituents appraised of the current and future construction operations.  This procedure applies for all BOE permits requiring temporary closure of the street due to construction activities. Additional FAQs can be found in the Excavation "E" Permits FAQ,  Excavation "U" Permits FAQSewer "S" Permits FAQ,  and "B" Permits FAQ section of this manual.

Applicant Responsibilities

  1. Obtain concurrence from the appropriate Council District(s) affected by the closure. 
  2. The applicant shall request the Street Closure to appropriate BOE District Office
  3. Obtaining LADOT acceptance of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) related to the street closure and an approved Traffic Detour Plan (TDP).  
  4. If applicable, apply for a Night Work permit with Los Angeles Police Department
  5. Provide notification (Community Outreach in both English and Spanish) to all affected property owners and/or tenants within a 1,000-foot radius from the street closure, including any public postings.  The outreach must include:
    1. Information about the construction activities, including dates and times
    2. Copy of the requested for street closure
  6. Provide notification to the following City Departments:
    1. Affected Council District(s)
    2. Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD)
  7. If there is a third party (State, and /or any local government agency) involved in the approval process, either they obtained approval, or the Board report shall address the pending items.

BOE Responsibilities

The following are the procedures for BOE District staff.

  1. Confirm the street closure will take place on a Collector or any Arterial Street , per the 2035 Mobility Plan. A closure would cover the following area:
    1. All lanes in each direction, or
    2. All lanes on a unidirectional closure
  2. Confirm the Applicant has obtained the approval from the affected Council Office (see sample approval).  If approval has not been received, BOE can reach out to the Council Office on their behalf to request concurrence on the closure. If the Applicant requests BOE to provide the outreach to the Council Office, BOE Staff will inform the Council Office of the potential closure and include any attachments that are provided by the Applicant. The Council Office will indicate if they concur with the closure.
  3. Confirm the Applicant has received LADOT acceptance of the Traffic Control Plan (see Sample Full Closure TCP) related to the street closure, including the time period and dates of the closure and and approved Traffic Detour Plan (TDP.)
  4. Proof the Applicant performed Community Outreach, in both English and Spanish, with neighboring property owners and/or tenants on a 1,000-foot radius from the street closure.  Proof shall include:
    1. Address labels
    2. Copies of the letters sent which should demonstrate the Applicant provided information about the construction activities, including dates and times as well as a copy of the requested for street closure
    3. Photos/Copies of any public postings, flyers or social media posts.  These materials must include:
      1. Applicant or Agent's contact name
      2. Phone number
      3. Email address 
  5. If applicable, a copy of the Night Work permit obtained from LAPD
  6. Proof of notification to LAFD
  7. Proof of approval from any outside governmental agencies involved/effected by the project, including any requirements/conditions
  8. BOE Permit reference number

Board Report Preparation (see sample Board Report):

BOE staff, jointly with BSS staff, will be responsible for preparing the Board Report to the Board of Public Works on behalf of the Applicant and this report shall include:

  1. A Non-Standard Board report shall be prepared and include the following:
    1. A sketch form to be inserted into the board report write up. 
    2. Project scope
    3. All construction related activity
    4. Reason why the street closure is a necessity
    5. Write up of the Reference Transmittal, which may include:
      1. LADOT’s TCP acceptance including the approved DTP
      2. Flyers in English and Spanish
      3.  Council District’s concurrence. The concurrence shall be either a response letter or an email from the Council District(s)
  2. BOE staff will process the Board Report through the Board Unit (see Sample Interdepartmental Correspondence with Board Report Unit for Draft Board Report, which shall include:
    1. Submit the draft board report in Word and PDF to the Board Unit for processing. The draft board report shall include:
      1. Signature by the applicable District Engineer (DE)
      2. An Interdepartmental Correspondence (IDC) signed by the District Engineer or Assistant District Engineer on behalf of the District Engineer
      3. Explanation of a "Rush" request (if requested), which will be forwarded to the Deputy City Engineer responsible for Development Services for approval
    2. If revisions are required to be made with specific instructions, BOE Staff (Civil Engineer level or higher) shall accept the revisions and send it back to the Board Unit with all the specific instructions provided. 
    3. Once the draft board report is final, the Board Report Unit will:
      1. Process the joint Board Report through the City Engineer office and the BSS Director’s office
      2. Brief one of the Commissioners with the District Engineer present.  The District Engineer can opt to include the Applicant (the most knowledgeable person) in this briefing  provided the District Engineer is brief prior to appearing with the Commissioner.
      3. Schedule the District Engineer attendance to appear at the Board of Public Works for final acceptance